"Strengthen our Nation's Veterans" with Heroes' Movement image

"Strengthen our Nation's Veterans" with Heroes' Movement

Help our warriors bridge the gap between physical & mental hurdles and feeling strong again.

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Message from Underground

"Having Heroes’ Movement as part of my gym has meant the world to me. I’ve had members of the Movement at my gym tell me about all of the ways that it has helped them and it makes me proud every day to be a part of something so important and heartfelt. Seeing the way it has helped my members to develop socially, mentally and physically has been so inspiring to myself and the other members. When I meet veterans the first thing I do is invite them to my gym to utilize this program and experience the difference that the community it has built at Underground can make in their lives. Letting my business be a place of comfort and comradely for the veteran community in Salem is an unending source of pride for myself, my business and the members who whole-heatedly believe in it."

Message from USMC veteran, Greg

My name is Greg I enlisted into the Marines in August of 2005. My plan was to do four years and then return home but as they say even the best plans don’t survive initial contact. I joined the Marines to be an 0311 but before I knew it, I was a fully qualified Recon Marine to include Sniper. I did two deployments with 1st Recon Bn before I took Assessment & Selection then moved over to the Marine Raiders. I did two more deployments with the raiders before I found out that I had broken my back and would require surgery. Following surgery, it took me 11 months of rehab to recover and return to my new normal. Subsequently my new normal wasn’t where it needed to be to remain in Special Operations, so I was medically retired in April 2015.

When I exited the Marines, my mental state wasn’t in a good place and physically my body was dependent on pain medications to help me through my back pain. I met Joe one day by chance and he invited me down to work out at his gym Underground Strength. Eventually Joe got me signed up with Heroes Movement but initially Joe worked with me and allowed me to utilize his facilities free of charge. Since I began utilizing the facilities at Underground Strength funded by Heroes Movement, I have been able to make enormous progress in my mental state as well as my pain management. Joe and his staff at Underground Strength have facilitated my physical recovery to a point where I am no longer taking any pain medications. The facilities at underground are great but I really love being able to converse with other people who are going through the same things that I am. Living on a fixed income can be challenging at times but Heroes Movement financial contributions ensures that I will always have a place to continue my physical training program, and remain pain free.

About Underground

Underground Strength (US) is the premier strength and conditioning facility in Salem/Keizer area. US was developed to help people of all ages and skill levels improve strength, speed, agility, flexibility, and performance. Utilizing safe and time-tested functional movements we have developed the most unique training experience available. Our group training sessions were developed specifically to help optimize results, recovery, and safety. Our training sessions focus on developing functional strength through four basic compound weightlifting movements, Squatting, Deadlifting, Pressing, and Pulling. US coaches will teach and emphasize proper technique and resistance load in order to ensure constant and measurable improvement.


Underground Strength is dedicated to helping our clients realize and achieve their fitness training goals. Whether they’re fat loss, athletic performance, or overall fitness, we have individually designed programs to fit anyone’s needs. We provide a fun, energetic, supportive and most of all SAFE environment for our members to train. We hope you join US soon!


Our training program has many benefits compared to traditional gyms, fitness centers, and CrossFit/Crosstraining workouts. Our program design allows members to maximize training frequency, results, and recovery. We emphasize development of strength, flexibility, and power. Our Program is designed to cycle through 3 phases of training, Strength, Hypertrophy, and Muscular Endurance, we have found that with proper cycling individuals can reach their goals while staying injury free.


Unlike other group Strength & Shred classes, US utilizes basic functional movement’s that can be applied directly to your everyday life or sport. Therefore, members of any skill level can participate with little to no experience. We do not focus on difficult Olympic movements that require months of practice to become proficient. This allows our members to focus on intensity without sacrificing safety and form.


We take all the necessary steps to ensure each members safety at Underground Strength. Proper program design, equipment implementation, pre-hab techniques, recovery techniques are all part of the educational process here! Injuries should not be worn as a badge of courage! Train don't drain!